As the voice of business in the Valley, the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce is committed to keeping our region competitive and improving the business climate. One of the best ways we can achieve this goal is through the legislative process. Representing two cities, two counties and two states provides us with a unique opportunity for cooperation between our local and state level representation. The Chamber is proud to work on behalf of our members to advocate policies and legislation that contributes to the growth and prosperity of our region.
The Government Affairs Committees representing Idaho and Washington advocate for legislation conductive to a healthy business environment at the State, County, and City levels and to inform our membership about pertinent issues through the development of Position Statements. Both Committees conduct bi-weekly phone calls with our senator and representatives in Boise and Olympia.
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Idaho State Governor
Congressional District 1 Legislators
Legislative District 6 Legislators
Nez Perce County Commissioners
Other Important Links
Governmental Affairs Committee
The Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) represents Idaho. The goal of the GAC is to advocate for legislation conducive to a healthy business environment at the State, County and city levels and to inform our membership about pertinent issues through the development of Position Statements. For more information on being involved with the Governmental Affairs Committee please contact us.
Click here to Register to Vote
Congressional District 5 Legislators
Legislative District 9 Legislators
Other Important Links
Legislative Committee
This committee represents Washington and meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month with the delegates of the legislative districts during legislative session. For more information on being involved with the Legislative Committee please contact us.
The Chamber believes in supporting important issues and causes that impact dues-paying members by offering the credible name of the organization as an endorser. As such, the Chamber takes great care in protecting the reputation of its members and the good name or the Chamber itself. We do this by following principles and policies to ensure Chamber endorsements accurately reflect the desires of as many members as possible, and to ensure that the Chamber has the resources and capabilities to effectively vet requests.